Scarlet Navel Oranges

Gift #1S

Ships mid-December through March

Now shipping! Slice a Red Navel and find gorgeous autumn leaf crimson flesh. In true Navel Orange tradition, they're sweet, juicy, and seedless, too. But, Scarlets are lower in acidity with 20% more Vitamin C and nearly 30% more Vitamin A than Golden Navel Oranges. Order your Scarlets today!


Make it Deluxe!
Choose the "Deluxe" option and we'll add 2 jars of Orange Marmalade and a box of Coconut Patties. Sorry but "Deluxed" gifts cannot be shipped to Canada due to import restrictions on candy items placed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Shipping Restrictions: Please note that any gift containing fresh fruit cannot be shipped to Alaska or Hawaii.

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